Tuesday, May 8, 2012

That One Thing

Everybody has that one thing that they HAVE to do but don't really want to... but eventually they realize it was worth it.

When I was younger, I loved going to church on Sunday.... but during the week, NO!!!! I wasn't here for it. But now that I look back on it, it drew me closer to God and made me want to chase him more.

Growing up, it was school. I NEVER wanted to school. I LOVED school.... but the thought of actually getting out of bed, getting, dressed, etc. process, NO!!!! I just didn't want to do it. But now, I'm more of an on time person because I've had to get up early for all those years for school.

Right now? It's packing. I wish Geoffrey The Butler was here so he could pack for me and I didn't have to. I'm actually spending more time on the internet than actually cleaning. This is why I need company or SOMETHING! LOL! But yea, I know it's gonna pay off in the long run because already I have found some stuff! When I say I found some stuff, I FOUND SOME STUFF!

This school year was great. But it must come to an end. Summer begins. AHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I'm excited. And I have to sing at a concert this Saturday! Which made me even more excited so yea!

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