Friday, May 11, 2012

one word, various interpretations

It was around 9pm this past Sunday when I asked my cousin to give a random word to write about. She thought for a second and came up with faith, "since it's Sunday" she said. As that moment, several thoughts invaded my mind. Faith is such a short word, yet it has so many meanings. I defined the word to try and grasp the meaning in its entirety. There were quite a few definitions, but one in particular caught my attention. It read, "Belief that is not based on proof." I thought about Christianity and the belief that God was indeed a being, any and everywhere. He created heaven and earth, man and woman. He ultimately determines when your life shall begin and end; but who's to say He even exists. There are no images known to mankind of God and it has only been said that He is amongst us, but we must have faith as believers in Christ.

As Christians, we study the bible which is a compilation of many stories. Stories are simply narratives either fictitious or true. However, the book was written by man so who's to say man did not imagine the things he wrote of, or perhaps changed the stories into his very own renditions. If man steals, cheats, commits adultery, and/or does not remember the Sabbath day, are there repercussions? It says that we are forgiven as Christians but if man repeatedly does wrong, or for better use of words, evil will he too be forgiven? Is there a heaven and hell? Is there really someone up above watching over my brothers and sisters? With faith I can only believe these things to be true.

What about the Christians who have decide to make their bodies works of walking art? Leviticus 19:28 says, "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD." (Yes, I do have tattoos but that was before I knew this.) What about those that have images of what their God or Jesus like tattooed, will they be shunned and refused at the gates of heaven? Or will they be forgiven for they are good people who had no intentions of upsetting a higher being, God?

So many questions, yet so little answers. It is understood that one must have faith an believe in the unseen. I often question my faith only because it's hard for me to accept things that I can not see with my own eyes, touch with my own hands, or speak to and not hear back from. However, I do feel as though there is someone looking over me. What allows me to wake up in the morning, see another day when yesterday could have been my last? Who answers my prayers? When I get weak, who gives me strength? Could faith be an entity in itself... a motivator to keep pressing on, because there is always light at the end of the tunnel? Is God necessarily the big picture or is it what you believe in as an optimist?

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